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Mentor-Tutor works with 2nd grade students at Afterschool Program in PWCS library.

Volunteer Mentor-Tutors work with children in afterschool programs either in small groups or one-on-one—helping them to master core competencies in language arts, reading and math to enhance academic outcomes, strengthen their self-confidence and foster positive behaviors.  The Mentor-Tutors will work in conjunction with afterschool program staff to supplement and enhance educational services.


Becoming a TITLE I School Volunteer

Thanks for your interest in serving as a volunteer tutor and mentor for the EAI Afterschool Program. Your participation as a volunteer enhances the educational opportunities for Title I public school students.


Your participation as a volunteer helps to:

  • Provide more individual attention and instruction to students.

  • Help students gain a positive self-concept.

  • Increase the students’ interest in learning.

  • Provide reinforcement for learning that occurs in the classroom.

  • Help the students feel that learning can be fun.

  • Help students overcome areas of weakness in learning.

  • Provide added enrichment to the curriculum.

  • Stimulate interest and support for the education system.

  • Strengthen school-community relationships.


Once you choose to become a volunteer, you must officially register or apply to serve as a volunteer tutor and mentor.  All volunteers are required to submit the following documents to:


Adult Volunteers


Student Volunteers


Volunteer Prince William (VPW) Registration

To serve as an Educate America, Inc. (EAI) Volunteer, you must also REGISTER on the Volunteer Prince William (VPW) website ( and RESPOND to the EAI Adult or Student Volunteer Opportunity.

  1. You must Sign Up for or Login to your VPW (Volunteer Prince William) account.

  2. Click on either the EAI Adult or Student Volunteer Opportunity (see links below).

  3. Respond to your selected Volunteer Opportunity (cited above) by Clicking on the “Purple” RESPOND button cited on the webpage.

  4. After you RESPOND to the selected Volunteer Opportunity, the EAI manager can Schedule you as an EAI Team Member in the VPW Galaxy Volunteer Tracker.


VPW Check-In and Check-Out pROCESS

All EAI Volunteers are required to Check-in by 3:00 pm and Check-out at 5:00 pm at the start and end of their EAI Afterschool Program volunteer shifts.  After reporting to the school’s front office, signing in and obtaining your name badge, you must report to the school library where the EAI Afterschool Program activities will be conducted.  The school library is on the main level towards the right when you exit the school’s front office into the main corridor.


VPW Galaxy Digital Check-In Kiosk

  1. To use the VPW Check-in Kiosk to track your volunteer hours, each volunteer must REGISTER to access the VPW system and RESPOND to the EAI Adult or Student Volunteer Opportunity in VPW.

  2. If you have REGISTERED in VPW, created your VPW account profile, and RESPONDED to the Educate America, Inc. (EAI) Volunteer Opportunity, then you should be able to use the (iPad/laptop) when you report to the EAI Afterschool Program in the PWCS library.

  3. Cited below, please find video instruction links for your reference:


PWCS Front Office Identification & Sign-In

Because students’ safety is the responsibility of each PWC school, please adhere to the following visitor guidelines.

  • Report to the school’s front office before you begin your volunteer activity.

  • Register in the volunteer logbook (or on the computer).

  • Provide one of the following government-issued photo identification cards that contain your full name, date of birth, and photograph to the school administrator.

    • PWC School ID

    • Driver’s License

    • DMV Photo ID

    • Military ID

    • Passport

    • Permanent Resident Card

  • The school admin will issue you a name badge, which is important to readily identify you as an EAI Mentor-Tutor volunteer, and in case of an emergency.

  • The front office volunteer log is a record of your hours of service, which allows the school to report the number of cumulative volunteer hours.

  • At the end of your shift, report to the front office to return your name badge and retrieve your government issued photo ID card.


Guidelines For PWC Public School Volunteers

  • Volunteers will work within guidelines established by the school administration and will work under the direction and supervision of the school principal, assistant principal, other school staff or EAI Director.

  • Volunteers who will have unsupervised contact (not under the direct supervision of a school district employee) with students must meet the conditions of PWCS regulations that require volunteers to complete background checks and/or be fingerprinting.

  • Volunteers may not supervise a class during a teacher’s or EAI staff’s absence.

  • Volunteers may not bring children who are not registered in the school when they tutor, mentor or assist in the classroom, library, etc.

  • Volunteers may not contact students or parents outside of the school setting.

  • Volunteers may not enter into games with students on the playground.

  • Student Discipline:  As with employees, volunteers should not touch students in an aggressive, disciplinary, or sexual nature. It is the teacher’s responsibility to discipline the students. Volunteers may only assist teachers and may not have sole responsibility for supervision of students.

  • Drug-Free Workplace:  PWC Public Schools is a Drug-Free Workplace. Volunteers shall not have consumed alcoholic beverages or taken illegal drugs when working at a school.

  • Smoking:  Smoking is prohibited on all PWC public school property.

  • Dress Code:  Volunteers need to follow school guidelines for student dress code. Dress comfortably but remember that you are a role model for our students.

  • Attendance:  Reliability is expected because teachers and the school staff plan for volunteer assistance. If you need to be absent, call the school as soon as possible and ask that the teacher or your supervisor is told of your future absence.

  •  Blood:  The general public has been made aware of blood-transmitted diseases. If there is blood on a student, immediately contact a staff member.

    • REMEMBERFollow all safety rules of the school in which you are working.

    • If an accident occurs, immediately contact a staff member.

    • Never move a child involved in an accident. A member of the school staff will initiate proper procedures for accidents.



By School Board policy, you must keep information you learn about students between yourself and your assigned supervisor. A misplaced comment can be devastating to a student, a family and the volunteer program. Do not contact parents regarding the performance or behavior of any students. If you do have questions or concerns, talk with the principal or building administration. Volunteers who breach confidentiality will be dismissed.


Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

According to Virginia Code § 63.2-1509 and Ann. Code §§ 63.2-1505, 63.2-1506:  A mandated reporter, including school personnel or volunteers, having reason to suspect that a child under the age of eighteen (18) years has been abused, abandoned or neglected shall report the matter immediately to the Virginia Department of Social Services Child Protective Services (CPS) or within 24 hours. The Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline Numbers are: (804) 786-8536 or (800) 552-7096.


Volunteers must also inform the principal or other school staff that a report will be made; often the principal or school staff can help the volunteer make the necessary contact with the appropriate person(s).


If the local department responds to the report or complaint by conducting an investigation, the local department shall do the following:

  • Make immediate investigation

  • Determine within 45 days if a report of abuse or neglect is founded or unfounded and transmit a report of the findings to the department and to the person who is the subject of the investigation.


Dismissal or Termination

If a volunteer does not conform to the guidelines outlined in this handbook, the administrator may suggest alternative actions or assignments. If this option does not meet with success, the administrator has the option to terminate the volunteer’s placement. Volunteers will not be placed or will be dismissed if they falsify any information on the volunteer registration or application forms.

 Volunteer Requirements 

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